
Monday, October 14, 2013

Mr. B's 3-0

Happy birthday, Mr. B. I'm a little late.

Yes, the husband has turned 30. And he didn't want anyone to make a big deal. He wanted no party and no special dinner. He wanted his new tool chest for the garage and a dinner with his wife at our favorite local Mexican restaurant. What he got was hand-foot-and-mouth disease. Huh?!

Yes. Unfortunately, we discovered my husband, at the age of 30, is not immune to this children's disease. And we have no idea where he caught it from. Well, in theory, we do. He hasn't been anywhere (except home and work) and hasn't been around a single child in a few months. So he either caught it a work, possibly an inmate was carrying the disease (gotta love working the county jail), or I carried the disease, unknowingly because I'm immune, thank God, home from my job (gotta love being a children's librarian). But I haven't  heard any parents mention any illnesses going around. And, no, Mr. B hasn't been to the county fair....

Yet, he definitely had this disease. It started with a seriously high fever for two days. Then the fever left and he broke out in an awful rash. The poor thing was covered in red bumps: in his nose, ears, mouth, down his throat, on his back, hands, face, and feet. Thankfully, they didn't itch and only the ones in his throat were painful. He was really bad for about two days. The antibiotics brought them out, and after another four to five days the bumps were gone completely. Except now, three weeks later, where the bumps on his hands used to be, his hands are....peeling? Ick. He celebrated his birthday at the doctor's office, confined to the spare bedroom, then confined to the couch to watch the 49ers play, and with a lot of chicken broth. I celebrated his birthday by following him around, disinfecting everything he touched.

Because his mother and step-father are so kind, on his birthday they used their truck and brought my husband the tool chest since he couldn't go and get it himself. So along with his new present, he also received a bag of "Get Well" goodies from yours truly. A birthday card and a "get well" card.

A week later, when Mr. B finally felt up to it, we hit up La Terraza's for his celebratory birthday dinner. Then I surprised him with the huge 49ers' banner with all of their Super Bowls rightly displayed (five, in case you're counting) he's been wanting. His man cave is oh, so close to being finished.

Finally, this past weekend we celebrated the Big 3-0 with his must-have cookie cake. Except this year I attempted a homemade cookie cake, baked in my cast iron skillet. A few notes on that: 1) It was a little thick for my liking...definitely "cake-y." Next time, I need either a bigger cast iron skillet, or I'll forgo the skillet and use a baking sheet or cake pan. Mr. B and I both agreed we like it thinner. 2) The homemade version didn't make my teeth want to fall out, which we both appreciated. Making it from scratch allowed me to control the sugar content. Score. 3) "[I] must not forget the icing next year. Not as much as [the store] uses, but some. And I like the sprinkles."

Thank you. Mr. B; duly noted.

I used the Pioneer Woman's cookie cake recipe with a few substitutions, of course. I used a mixture of white and whole wheat pastry flour, replaced half the butter with plain Greek yogurt, omitted the instant coffee (because it's for Mr. B or I probably would have doubled that...yum), and split the sugar in half, replacing the other half and the vanilla extract called for with 1 Tbsp of vanilla almond milk. And, don't tell him this, but I used a flax egg as well. Oh, and then of course he didn't want any of the hot fudge, caramel, whipped cream, or nuts. Just a small scoop of vanilla ice cream, please.

Also, today is National Dessert Day and one must celebrate. Why not enjoy this day to its fullest with this tasty Cast Iron Skillet Cookie Cake? (Pssst, it's National Cookie Month, too. You're welcome.)

Thirty is rough. Good thing I have a few years. ;)

With Love and God Bless,

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