
Saturday, March 29, 2014

My Beautiful Month

In case you aren't on Instagram, or don't follow me, here's a peek at my Insta-Life lately.
[*All photos are taken from my Instagram account.]

Starbucks was handing out free coffee samples. What?!

Frozen yogurt with this little man. (Dairy free, of course.) YUM.

Some much needed recipe book organization!

I had the chance to attend the Ohio Library Council (OLC) Northeast chapter conference this past week with a few of my co-workers. I love conferences and workshops and learning and networking. I'm a social butterfly. I'm a nerd. The above picture is from my "Storytime Boot Camp" session. Now this was the kind of boot camp I can get behind.

Books. Books. More books! This is the most current read. I heard good things, like addicting-can't-put-down-go-crazy things. I can't wait.

With Love and God Bless,


  1. In that first picture does your Starbucks cup say "brandi"?? haha

    1. Ha! Yes, name fail. I'm going to start telling them my name is Scarlett. But then it will probably be misspelled, too!
