
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

What I'm Reading {And Good News!}

I have been enjoying some great books lately. I'm currently absorbed in our newest book club choice (or I should say, my current book club choice, because we all picked different ones this month). I chose Rachel Hartman's YA novel Seraphina, which is all about humans and dragons living in a world of truce until the king is murdered....I only put the book down when I have to, and unfortunately I'm finding this happening a little too often. As of now, I'm contemplating how much sleep I need to get me through the next two days....

But, anyhoo, concerning the books I finished....I read Joyce Maynard's Labor Day for last month's book club. It was my turn to pick and I printed a list of titles with movies coming out this year and suggested every one pick something from that list to read. Since I was interested in seeing Labor Day and it was the first to be released, I selected it. I was intrigued with the characters from the beginning, however I found the story odd at times. It's very interesting learning this story from a 13-year-old's perspective. I would not call this a "sexy page turner" as some reviews have suggested. But from what I heard about the trailer, it doesn't seem to follow the book. This makes me even more interested in seeing the movie. But not run-out-this-minute-and-see-it kind of interested. I'll see it eventually, possibly in the form of a dollar- or 50-cent movie. We are a fan of the cheap over here. It's how I can afford my Starbucks. Give and take, people.

I heard about Julie Kibler's book through another blogger, Jenna over at Eat, Live, Run (which if you've been following me for any bit of time know I'm a huge fan). Calling Me Home alternates between the past (during the civil rights movement) and present day. I was invested in this story from the very first few pages. The writing is great, page-turning, easy, and wonderfully thought out. This story touched my heart, truly, and left me with many tears. I'm sure it will be adapted to the screen some day.

Mudhouse Sabbath by Lauren F. Winner is excellent. Excellent. While I didn't read this as my book club choice (a few months ago), one of our other members read it. I was intrigued instantly upon hearing her review, and happy when she offered to let me borrow it. Now I will be purchasing it and giving it to my mama to read. Winner (who converted to Christianity from Orthodox Judaism) makes very valuable points, causing you to think a little more. And while I do some of these suggestions already, I'm re-examining my reasoning, or shall I say bringing a deeper spiritual reasoning/reminder/thought-process to these acts. I am a Christian who tries every day to be a doer of the Word and not a hearer only, and these tidbits were quite insightful as to this purpose. I was very interested in the idea of one's marriage being not private but a community endeavor, and the doorposts suggestion. I'll be passing this book along to many, many people. (Bonus: it's a very slender, but heavy read.)

Women Living Well is definitely a must-run-out-and-buy-and-refer-to-often-throughout-the-many-seasons-of-my-life. Although there are a few suggestions I don't agree with completely, Courtney Joseph's knowledge of scripture and examples of what works for her in all of the four areas discussed (God, husband, children, and homemaking) are great resources for women of faith to reference. I discovered this devotional while emerged in the midst of my Good Morning Girls Intentionally Focused Bible study. (Joseph is one of its co-founders.) I recommend picking up this book for the husband challenge alone.

I'm bringing a Book It! page to Sweet B's. You can now click on this tab and quickly find any book I referenced on the blog. Cheers to being organized and a little OCD.

With Love and God Bless,


  1. yay for the Book it tab! That will officially be my "to read" list since I am too lazy to update my goodreads account...

    1. I am all too aware of your lack of "activity" on good reads ;p
