
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

all things SUMMER

Sunshine. Thunderstorms. Muggy, sleepless nights. Bugs. Bugs. And more bugs. Batches of iced coffee. Neighbors mowing lawns. Garden bed preparations. Sun tea.

If these aren't signs summer is knocking on the door, then you probably live in Ohio I don't know what is. But they've definitely put me in the SUMMER mood. I say this as I'm looking at the week's forecast and Friday's high is a cloudy 56. Yep. Cloudy with a chance of meatballs. (side note: I'm not a huge meatball fan, never have been. I'll take my spaghetti without, thank you. Actually, I'm not a spaghetti fan either. I think I'll stop there before you write me off completely.)

Of course, this calls for a list. If you know me at all you know this is a must and my blog title alone alerted you to another Sweet B's Type-A lists. So, let's hop to it. My SUMMER bucket list looks like....
  • drink freshly squeezed lemonade and often
  • invite friends and family over for a cookout
  • get back into running with the hubby
  • drink at least 60 oz of water daily
  • buy a new pair of cheap, brightly colored sunglasses
  • cross off some DIY projects
  • hit up garage sales!
  • make 1 night a week HOMEMADE PIZZA night
  • take a few day trips (to some outlet malls and the West Side Market)
  • make homemade gifts for friends and family
  • enjoy my morning coffee on the deck
  • get Mr. B to take me to more fairs and festivals
  • and, of course, consume as many vinegar-soaked fair fries as possible
  • go berry picking (but it has to be with Mama and my aunt because these adventures are hilarious)
  • learn or try 1 new thing
  • throw a themed party
  • hit up the batting cages
  • miniature golf!
  • visit a new place
  • make homemade ice cream in a coffee can
  • make 1 night a week SALAD night (it's too hot to cook)
  • take my yoga practice outside
  • enjoy daily walks to the park
  • multiple park picnics
  • go to the Drive-In (Mr. B and I haven't been since our early dating days)
  • put my homemade ice cream maker to more use this summer (I say this every summer and then end up only using it once or twice)
  • buy a few new sun dresses (ooh and hats!)
  • cross off a few 30 before 30 items
  • star-gaze on the garage roof
  • paint the living room
  • re-design a few old T-shirts
  • make 1 night a week TACO night (with plenty of avocado)
  • go to the zoo
  • finally buy the contraption that will allow me to make popsicles. YUM.
  • read 8 more books on my Bingo Card (so far 9 spaces are complete)
  • cross off a few Life Bucket items
  • more date nights with Mr. B
  • more family game nights on the patio
  • tend my garden a little more often this year
  • roast some pizzas and pies over a bonfire
  • enjoy multiple corn-on-the-cob-and-watermelon dinners
  • make weekly trips to the Farmer's Market
  • fondue dinner
  • dance in the rain...or a water fight sounds good too
  • get in plenty of car washes
  • make banana splits
  • indulge in homemade peach cobbler
  • possibly a theme park...

With Love and God Bless,


  1. love your lists but I just have to point something out. According to your list your menus for the week are nearly planned!! Between tacos, salad, homemade pizza and the grilling out I know you will do there is no need for planning for the whole summer. Go you!

    1. Plus the corn and watermelon dinners....I know, I know. I tell you what. GENIUS. Bottle it up, my friends. :)

  2. I might have to steal the book bingo idea, though the way I read it won't take me too long!

    1. Amanda, I put a copy of the BINGO Card on your desk :)
