
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Mid-Week Ramblings {Blog Series}


Today, I'm playing along with the recent 20 questions floating around the blog world....even though I participated in another one last month. But Q&A's are so fun.

1. What brings you the greatest joy?
Knowing I am a child of God and am surrounded by love.

2. What are your vices? 
Ice cream. Coffee mugs. Shoes and sundresses.

3. What is on your nightstand?
A few things, which Mr. B constantly grumbles about when he dusts. But I can't help it; I mean, a nightstand is supposed to have things on it, right? Besides a lamp? (Said lamp is apparently for looks only, according to Mr. B. who, again, grumbles when I want to read at night and he wants to go to sleep. Ai yi yi...) So, with all that being said, here's a short tour: said lamp, wedding picture, a book with daily inspirational quotes and scriptures, a gardenia-scented candle, favorite Aveeno moisturizer, lip balm from The Body Shop, my Bible in its Vera Bradley Carnaby Good Book case (in case wondering minds wanted to know), the current Yoga Journal, and water.

4. Do you have a secret talent? 
Ummm, no. But I do think I have a gift with words :)

5. What is your greatest indulgence?
Cheesecake. Probably once a year, and I usually request it as my birthday "cake."

6. What should every woman try at least once in her life? 
Focusing on improving/creating a personal relationship with God. The strength and understanding she will come to know from His truth is life-altering.

7. What makes you laugh? 
Mr. B. This man....I pee my pants daily. Possibly too much information, but I love to laugh. I come from a very comedic family.

8. What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
I grew up wanting to be a singer, then an actress, then a singer, then an actress, and back and forth I went until graduation day came and I went off to Kent State as a journalism major. Yes, I'm sure God, too, laughed at my plans.

9. What is on your bucket list?
To go horseback riding. I've never been. I don't think riding the pony at the county fair when I was little counts.

10. What is on your feet right now? 
11. How did you make your first dollar? 
At a local diner/ice cream parlor called Miller's. I was your local car-hop gal (minus the skates).

12. What superstition do you believe in?
I don't believe in superstitions. However, I am in full belief that when you see a rainbow, God is promising you something.

13. What items in your closet do you wear the most?
Probably my various dress pants for work and cardigans/jackets. I'm in need of layers because my body temperature changes multiple times hourly. I'm usually cold. (In warmer weather, it would be my sundresses ---> see #2.)

14. What is the best gift you’ve ever received?
I'm not materialistic at all, but I would have to say the best gift was my high school graduation gift from my parents. Daddy made me a hope chest. I had no idea and was surprised completely.

15. What is on your liquor shelf?
I don't drink, except for the occasional glass of wine here and nada.

16. What is on your kitchen counter?
I'll tell you one thing that isn't on my kitchen counter. A coffee pot. Because I have a beautiful coffee bar.

17. What would you never leave home without?
Sunglasses! It's Ohio, people. The weather changes every five minutes.

18. What movie has the greatest ending?

19. Who is on the guest list for your ideal dinner party?
Ummmm....these two.

20. What is one thing you wish you had known when you were younger?
How unhealthy pop and processed and fast food are for you!!!! Ugh. Especially when childhood is such an important time to build healthy habits.

Cheers to a fabulous rest of the week!

With Love and God Bless,

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