
Tuesday, July 15, 2014


I'm currently....

Watching.... The Immigrant. Jeremy Renner's indie movie, which came out last year in other countries, never hit theaters here and it yesterday became available on Netflix. After waiting over a year for this movie, I was super excited and got up extra early this morning to watch it before heading into work. No wonder it never made it to theaters. Not enough JLR that's for sure. And I don't think the plot line was solid, and there was way too much unnecessary showing of...stuff that I fast forward most of the movie. And he's not even in it that much!!! Definitely a movie to skip...grrr. Thankfully, JLR's Kill the Messenger will be hitting theater's this October.

Eating.... fruit and sandwiches. Can't.get.enough. I just had the juiciest peach of the year for a mid-morning snack. OhhEmmGee. I've been all over Peach Caprese lunches and putting berries in my mugs of fresh lemonade, and the sandwiches at Starbucks are deeelicious. Hello, Summer.

Planning.... the finishing touches on our new deck, which demolition removal started today!! FINALLY. It's been an irritating five weeks.

Reading.... Ugh. Ever his a reading slump? Well, I never have past two books. That's been my previous running streak of must-abandon-because-I-don't-have-time-for-this-awful-writing-excuse-for-a-book. Until this past month. If it's not a non-fiction book about food/health or a children's literature book, then it's been completely awful and I abandoned every one. I'm talking a bad five in a row here, one of which included the highly-praised The Goldfinch. What?! Who ARE you people that think this was 5-star great?! One of my co-worker's agrees. I'm picking up Fangirl next, and hoping to get out of this rut.

Inspired by.... my yoga programs at work. Especially my tween one last night. These young girls are definitely inspiring, not just in their attempts at practicing yoga, but in their dreams, journaling, goals...just hearing their chit-chat. Gah, I love my job.

Excited about.... MY BIRTHDAY!!! It's my birthday month, week, weekend! Woot. Woot. Celebrating with the family all weekend, which is exactly what I'll need once this hectic week comes to a close. Six programs in five days. In the midst of Summer Reading. Who was I when I planned this schedule back in April? Just stick me with an espresso IV.

With Love and God Bless,

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