
Monday, September 22, 2014

Re-Visited: Cooking Club #8

[Original post date Nov. 2011. --Updated 9/22/14: original, but separate content, with updated photos and/or more details, if available.] 

---> Cooking Club is coming up soon, and now that I'm blogging, I want to share these moments but I thought I should play catch-up first. So without further ado, here (and in other posts) is what we've been up to. Enjoy!

#8 February: Soup

The Menu:
Potato, Broccoli and Coriander Soup
Steak Chili Soup
Chicken Tortilla Soup
Quick French Onion Soup
Chicken Noodle Soup
Ham and Cheesy Potato Soup

With it still being winter and all, Jenny thought it would be a great month for a soup-themed Cooking Club. Soup is one of my favorites, and I am always game for some soup --even in the summer.

Who doesn't love a bowl of steaming hot soup? Oh right, Mr. B is not a fan. (Crazy.) I guess he'll be making his own meals during these chilly months.

Again, my trusty cookbook, The 1,000 Best Recipes, came through with an eye-googling soup recipe, Potato, Broccoli and Coriander Soup. As I mentioned in my Broccoli-Cheddar Soup post, broccoli in my soup is a favorite. Add in potatoes, garlic, onions, a dash of cumin, some delightful coriander and you have a super healthy winter dish.

Once all of the potatoes and broccoli were chopped, they took a swim in this pan, full of chicken broth. And then this gorgeous soup, once pureed, turned into this!

With all of the soups, we had a lot of downtime while everything was simmering. Yet the kitchen was filled with a mixture of intoxicating aromas, and we couldn't wait to grab our bowls. I LOVED it! This was by far one of my favorites, along with our Thanksgiving and Cobbler months. However, while I enjoyed the other soups, they weren't enough for me to grab the recipe cards, and the photos didn't turn out all that appetizing.

Please, please invite some friends and/or family over for a soup-themed gathering!

Potato, Broccoli and Coriander Soup
*adapted from The 1,000 Best Recipes

Serves 6

1 lb broccoli
2 onions, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground coriander (note: I had coriander kernels and used a coffee grinder to ground)
1 1/2 lbs potatoes, cubed
2 small chicken bouillon cubes
about 4 c water (or you can forgo the cubes and water and substitute chicken or vegetable broth)
1 1/2 c skim milk

Lightly spray large pot with cooking spray, place over medium heat and add onions and garlic. Add 1 tbsp water to prevent from sticking. Cover and cook, stirring occasionally, over low heat for 5 minutes, or until the onion has softened and is lightly golden. Add cumin and coriander and cook 2 minutes. Add potatoes and broccoli to pot, stir well and add stock cubes and water. Slowly bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer over low heat 20 minutes, or until vegetables are tender. Allow to cool slightly. Blend soup in batches in a food processor or blender (or if you have an immersion blender---I want one so bad---use that) until smooth. Return to pot and stir in milk. Slowly reheat, without boiling. Season well before serving.

Nutritional Information
Per serving: Calories 340; Fat 18; Fiber 5; Protein 10

Pssstt. This is also a favorite during our many Baking Extravaganzas! It's a simple, grab-and-go dish, easily prepared the day before.

*I hope you enjoyed these Cooking Club snippets. There are many more to come as I try to play catch-up before this month's meeting. I hope these themes, and even Cooking Club itself, inspire you to gather with your friends and family in the kitchen, and make sweet moments (and delicious food) of your own.

**I've only included the recipes to the dishes I made. Only because I'm unsure of where everyone got theirs...and hey, we gotta give credit where credit is due. If you have any questions about the other dishes, I'll ask the other members where they got their recipes and pass it along!

Check out our previous meetings!
Cooking Club #1-4
Cooking Club #5
Cooking Club #6
Cooking Club #7

[Update: Just the previous Cooking Club links!]

With Love and God Bless,

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