
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Virtual Coffee Date

Welcome. It's January 2014 2015.

 I rang in the new year with a never-ending Root Beer Float. It was fantastic.

Ohhhh, if we were having coffee right now, we'd be bundled up at a nearby Starbucks with big cups thawing our hands. I would have brought along my portable heater, insisting we sit near an outlet so our toes stay warm while we chit-chat about the cold weather, the ridiculousness of school closings (I'm sure my readers in colder states are laughing at us Ohioans, and be sure, I'm laughing right along with you), and how if the kids can bundle up to head to the mall or outside to build Olaf, they can bundle up to head to school.

[Disclaimer: If I was a kid and school was cancelled, I'd be thrilled. If I was still in college, I'd be thrilled. If I was teacher, I'd be thrilled. However, as an adult I can look back knowing school was only cancelled if roads were hazardous. And I lived in the country where there was a lot of blowing and vision problems, yet very seldom did we celebrate a snow day. I could go on and on, but my coffee is getting cold. I digress.]

I guess we can all relax and huddle under a blanket since this is a "virtual" coffee date. Pour yourself another mug and get comfy; I have some new things I'd like to share.

But first, I want to know how you take your coffee. What's your favorite coffee beverage? I take my coffee black. The stronger the better. Actually, I prefer straight espresso. Or an Americano. The stronger the better. If we were at Starbucks, and I was using my reward drink, I'd get a Caramel Frappy with five shots of espresso. As I said, the stronger the better. (And, yes, even in negative-degree weather, I still drink iced coffee. I'll layer up to drive somewhere to get ice cream, too. We all have our needs, weather temperatures be... well, you know.)

If we were having coffee, I'd surely ask you about your Christmas gifts! What was the best gift, best moment of your Christmas? My favorite gift was from my friend Jessica; no, the other Jessica, in Tampa. She sent everyone in our book club a copy of the first book we read, The Secret Garden, and this awesome reading journal. It was so personal and thoughtful; I loved it. I'm using it to keep track of all our book club reads. I couldn't wait to grab a pencil and start filling it out.

But my most favorite, the very best Christmas gift were the GARTH BROOKS tickets my husband spent hours online waiting to purchase. He knew seeing Garth was at the top of my bucket list, had been since I made my list back in 2003, right before my senior year. (Actually, the very first item on my list was to graduate from high school. Hey, I wanted to start out with something easily attainable and that I'd be able to cross off soon. Items crossed off give you a sense of accomplishment, you know?)

Since we're having coffee this morning, I'd like to tell you what I have planned for Sweet B's Impressions this year. I always like to give the blog a review, looking back on what received the most views, posts I liked, didn't like, things I want to continue.

Coming to Sweet B's this 2015:
  • More recipes! More recipes! More recipes!
  • "Sunday Sweets." I'm hoping to bring this back once a month. It's morphed quite a bit throughout its previous posts; I'm hoping to keep a constant flow during this monthly post. 
  • "Favorites Lately." I'd love to not drop the ball on this one because I really enjoy sharing with y'all my current likes, must-haves, splurges, and obsessions.
  • What I have dropped the ball on are my "What I'm Reading" posts. I'm sure y'all are wondering where these posts are hidden because there have to be posts...she's a librarian for crying out loud. Doesn't she read?! Apparently, too much so.
She is too fond of books, and it has turned her brain. ---Louisa may Alcott

  • Possibly a "Cooking Series"...not sure exactly on what, and this would be where I ask your opinion. What do you like? What would you like to see on Sweet B's?
  • More house updates.
  • Mr. Darcy. He clearly isn't on here enough.
  • Practicing the presence of God on the blog more, rather than just in my daily life. I want to bring that closeness here. Share with y'all my devotionals, testimonies, the goodness of my Lord and Savior. Another gift I really enjoyed this Christmas was Beth Moore's Whispers of Hope. Mama gave it to me, my aunt, a few others, and bought one for herself. We're doing the 10-week devotional together as a family. I love this, and although we've just started and haven't had a chance to chat, I hope my other family members are enjoying this devotional journey as well.
  • Surveys. Lists. Insights. Yes. More, please!
  • Oh, and I can't forget my plans to share more about my work as a children's librarian.
There may be a few other goals I have thought on, but I'm still listening to God, waiting to see what his plans for this blog and for our family are in 2015.

I love planning, looking at what the new year may bring. I'm excited to get started.

Suggestions are welcomed. I think I'll have another cup.

With Love and God Bless,

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