You see what I did there? A Starbucks haiku.
Cold floor under feet.
Mittens on. Traffic. Slow. Brake.
Mittens on. Traffic. Slow. Brake.
Warm Starbucks cafe.
Caramel Macchiato.
Dirty Chai. Golden.
Caramel Macchiato.
Dirty Chai. Golden.
I can roll out haiku all day. I had a whole course on the HAIKU during my English undergraduate study. It was...short. Liberating. Expressive and a test for my patience, to say the least.
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If I find a Starbucks while on vacation, I must take photos and celebrate with a beverage :) [in Key West on honeymoon] |
But you can thank my friend, Jessica, for more coffee ramblings. My love for this coffee shop runneth over. It's no secret. This past Christmas family and friends supported my habit with plenty of gift cards.
I am not alone. My wonderful friends and family are hopelessly devoted as well. 99.9% of the time Jess and I are together we stop and pick up a glorious beverage. (The other .01% is probably one of us talking about our recent Starbucks experience.) It's the ritual that goes along with this coffee run. It's knowing Jessica and I share a special love, a special place (among other things). Oh the memories I have associated with that coffee shop. It's where I spend time catching up with friends. And take this past Christmas, for example. Since there is so many of us, we do a Round Robbin' gift exchange--where everyone brings a $15 gift, we draw names, take turns, and hilariously "fight" over the gifts. This year there were four gifts pertaining to Starbucks. We love this place.
If I'm going on a trip, I'm stopping at Starbucks. If I'm at the airport, there better be a Starbucks. When Mr. B and I headed to Frankenmuth last year, right before he started the car he looked at me and asked, "You want Starbucks, right?"
"Do I breathe?" I responded, showing him my empty Starbucks travel mug.
And not to mention their rewards program. Gold member. Free drinks every 12 stars. Free drink on my birthday. Discounts galore. Ahhhh....
Gosh, I should be a spokesperson.
Extra shot brewing.
Sipping comfort through green straws.
Ode to my dear friend.
It's Monday and I'm ready for a busy work week.
P.S. The other day Jessica sent me this on Pinterest with the comment "For your birthday?"
Ummm, yes! Get.On.It.
With Love and God Bless,
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