
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Bulletin Boards are Never-Ending

Coming to Sweet B's Impressions this year is a new feature exploring all of the fun [and creative] things I do at my job as a Youth Services Librarian. I know every few months I blog about what I did at work that day, and sometimes I'll even post about what I'm working on. However, I want to share a little more for my crafty readers who want to know what I'm doing, why, and how I go about it. It's something I love about this profession: why reinvent the wheel? We all share what we do; take the idea and make it your own. Who knows, maybe you'll find inspiration for your library, next party, or a craft to do with your kids.

Today, I'm sharing my crafty-ier side. Bulletin board style.

I'm running behind with all of this year's summer reading programming ideas underway, so I do not have a bulletin board decorated for the upcoming Winter Olympics. The above picture is of the first bulletin I did when I first entered my job a year and a half ago.

Our creativity is never-ending over here at the Howland Branch of the Warren-Trumbull County Public Library because someone decided it would be awesome to line the entire length of our department with a huge bulletin board. By the time we finish the last one, it's usually a new season (or one has been up too long) and we start re-doing them all over again. After my first Summer Reading Program adventure, I decided a fall theme would be a great bulletin board display. So I found a huge piece of cardboard and cut out a tree. The kiddos were a little skeptical of my "tree" until I stapled on some leaves.

Fall 2012
My co-worker really liked my tree idea, and since I put a decent amount of work into it, we decided to keep it up for another season.

Winter 2012-2013
Or two....

Spring 2013
Then Summer Reading rolled around, and the "Dig into Reading" theme just sort of fit with what we had going. So we got a little creative, turning our tree into a bush. And let me tell you, those leaves were a pain and there are plenty of them. Holy frijoles, leaves galore! But the layers make it look great.

Summer Reading 2013 "Dig into Reading"
--->Notice how our eggs "hatched."

Fall 2013
Why not turn our bush into a fall bush? Sure, let's cut out more leaves...

Thankfully, we have an Accu-Cut machine, with various leaf dies, which allows us to cut out about 4-8 each time (depending on the thickness of the paper).

Winter 2013-2014
And we must have a snow-covered winter bush! With lights! This one is probably my favorite of all the tree/bush bulletin boards. The kids seem to really enjoy seeing what we do with the board each season. And I'm pretty proud of our resourcefulness. But, alas, this summer's reading program is all about science. I think the tree/bush will have to come down finally. Plus, the background paper is starting to fade, and I'm ready for something new.

A little farther down the huge bulletin-board-lined wall is another bulletin I created inspired by various fairy tales. This board took quite a bit of time, but I had the most fun making this one. I wanted to elaborate a little more, but time got away from me and other boards need changing. This display has been up since last fall, and I'm leaving it up a little while longer because I really enjoy it.

I tried to feature as many fairy tales as I could without it becoming too busy and overwhelming. If you look closely you'll find Rapunzel in the tower with a tiny prince climbing her braided hair, a small Jack climbing the huge beanstalk, Goldilocks with her bears, the Wolf hiding in the woods ready to pounce on Little Red, the three pigs and their three establishments, the Gingerbread Man on the run, the Frog Prince basking in his pond, and the Three Billy Goats Gruff. Oh, and don't forget Cinderella's castle and pumpkin carriage.

I sectioned off some of the boards in order to feature smaller bulletins. These ones we change often, and they're usually focused on upcoming programs, authors, or topics.

Yet, the bulletin board continues....So my co-worker and I decided to dedicate a section to the Caldecott winners (award given to the illustrator of an outstanding children's picture book) since we already had the winners pulled and sitting on top of the shelf anyway.

We also decided to do the same thing with the Newbery winners (award given to the author of an outstanding children's literature), since I recently weeded the juvenile books and we need the space desperately. The "Mother Goose" bulletin has come down, and the Newbery one has gone up. I like it because these bulletins are timely and will be up for a very long time.

With Love and God Bless,

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