
Sunday, March 2, 2014

OSCARS Sunday!


I quite enjoy award season. I didn't use to, but for the last seven years now I've been devouring anything and everything Oscar's.

And I'm most looking forward to seeing Mr. Jeremy Renner ;)

Isn't he just so handsome? He's my favorite.

Okay, one more, I promise. And this one is for you my dear Jessica.

It's also my Oscar tradition to make Jenna's gnocchi. This is probably my favorite gnocchi combination, and you know how much I enjoy my gnocchi. (If not, check out this and this.) It uses goat cheese and a little pasta water to form the sauce that coats these delectable pasta pillows along with fresh basil and bursting cherry tomatoes. (Don't forget a healthy seasoning of black pepper. YUM.)

It's so simple. It's so darn good. It's my Oscar Sunday meal. It's tradition.

While I'm judging the red carpet arrivals (and, be honest, who isn't?), I'm in heaven with this perfect pasta dinner. And when the awards finally commence, I bring out my tasty popcorn. I'm always trying out new popcorn varieties, but right now I'm on a nutritional yeast kick. It's quite elementary. Just take 1/3 c popcorn kernels and place in a brown bag and heat in the microwave for about 3 minutes (But keep an eye, or ear, on it because it could finish before and you don't want it to burn. Yuck.) Pour into a big bowl and add a drizzle of melted coconut oil, a tablespoon or two of nutritional yeast, a sprinkle of salt (and sometimes pepper) and lightly toss. (When I'm feeling it, sometimes I add a a little bit of dried dill or thyme.) Enjoy.

Now for my Academy Award picks! (I hear it's quite the tight race and the award is up in the air for most categories....)

But I'm going with Cate Blanchett (Best Actress), Matthew McConaughey (Best Actor), American Hustle (Best Costume), Gravity (Best Cinematography), Frozen (Best Animated Film, Song, etc. ....obviously), and for Twelve Years a Slave to clean up the rest, including Picture, Director, and Supporting Actress. (I'm thinking Jared Leto for Supporting Actor.)

I'm sure I do not need to go into detail about how I feel with all of the snubs Jeremy Renner has received this season....

Annnnd a few years ago he should have won for The Hurt Locker, which was phenomenal.

If you are unfamiliar, check out the trailer here.
Come on, Hollywood!

With Love and God Bless,