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An Echo in the Bone (Diana Gabaldon)
The seventh book in the Outlander series. The eighth book is scheduled to come out this coming March.
Audio book
I'm finally catching up....only a few more chapters...and this one is taking foreverrrrrrr. I just can't get into it. I find most of it boring, the story lines boring, the new characters boring, but I'm pushing through because I know I'm about to cry at any moment and Gabaldon's about to drop a game-changer. It's not that it's awful, it's just I didn't see the characters going where they are going. And deep down, I just want to re-read the first one! But I'm almost there. And the TV show is in production. Cheers!
The 5:2 Diet (Kate Harrison)
I've been conducting some research, mainly out of curiosity. I heard about a few of these "diets" from co-workers, friends, and other bloggers, and I thought I'd take a peek at the most talked about ones out there. This 5:2 diet (which my boss was embarking on) is quite simple: "feast for five days and fast for two days." Meaning eat whatever the heck you want five days out of the week, but for the other two, limit yourself to either 500 or 600 calories. Out of everything I read, or have read, on dieting, healthy eating, etc., this is by far the most simplistic. It reminds me of Weight Watchers. It doesn't suggest eliminating certain foods from your diet. You CAN eat whatever you want. And on your fast days, you CAN eat whatever you want until you reach your calorie limit and then you're done for the day.
Pretty straight-forward, huh? This guidebook includes the author's own discovery of the 5:2 diet, it's creation, and her own diary entries documenting her journey. It's not a diet to try out if you need to lose the weight fast, but over time your tortoise pace will eventually win out. The idea is that your fast days will make up for your feast days. (Now probably not if you go all ridiculous on your feast days....but let's assume you eat normally on those days...mmm'K?) Also, your fast days will help influence your normal days; you'll pay more attention to whether you're hungry or bored and how nutritious whatever it is you're putting into your body.
I like that Harrison suggests different versions of the diet, like trying a 6:1 plan, or alternating fast and feast days, resulting in a 4:3. If you don't need to lose weight, she recommends the 6:1. She provides daily menus, routine suggestions, and other information/statistics to help you along the way. It's important to plan your fast days so you aren't starving and eating everything in sight around 10 p.m. I'm a fan of this plan because I fast quite frequently already, whether it's all foods, a certain type of food, past a certain time.....trust me, your body needs a break. And often.
Doable? Definitely.
VB6 (Mark Bittman)
VB6 = Vegan before 6:00 p.m. After, eat your heart's, err stomach's, desire. Bittman provides meals plans, recipes, and a lot of statistical information.This sounds great, and I'm sure it's perfect for some people, but it's not for me. I like to eat my bigger meals for either breakfast or lunch. I try not to eat too heavy at night, and try to stay away from eating anything close to bedtime. Now, I could see myself adopting this plan maybe once or twice a week. I'm not a huge red meat fan, anyway. Most of my meat is chicken or turkey, but I would definitely struggle with no dairy or eggs. They're a big part of my breakfast.
Doable? Probably.
*Note: I want to clarify that I don't believe in diets; I believe in adapting healthy lifestyles, recognizing your food sensitivities, never deprivation, and everything in moderation. And, no I'm not on a diet nor am I trying to lose weight. I like my body and I have great self-esteem. I just try to find new ways to maintain my healthy lifestyle. I receive multiple questions from people seeking advice on weight-loss and healthy eating habits; I try to read up on everything so I can point them in the right direction.
The Conscious Cleanse (Jo Schaalman & Julie Pelaez)
I wanted to do a cleanse and I always had it in mind to try a two-week long juice cleanse. But then I stumbled across this book, and I heard a lot of good things. And I read it and I definitely agree. Our bodies need this type of "cleaning," and a few times throughout the year wouldn't hurt. The authors include nutritional information, recipes, routine suggestions, and guidelines on what to do each day of the 14-day cleanse. Plus, they have a web site! I love cleanses...usually mine consists of a special tea/beverage or a short weekend cleanse. But this looks promising. I really enjoyed this book. It's quite inspiring and smart.
Doable? I can't wait to try this after the holidays. For years now I've been wanting to do a 14-30 day cleanse, to clear out my body and to discover if I have any food sensitivities. This January...doing it.
Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement: A Guide for Officers and Their Families (Kevin Gilmartin)
My husband came across this book on Amazon, heard good things about it, purchased it, and spent the next few days reading it. He then asked if I would read it, stating there are explanations for the things he does and the emotions he feels. Being married to a cop is tough, and though I come from a family with a few cops of its own, I wasn't prepared for a marriage to one. Don't get me wrong, I love my law enforcement husband and have major respect for what he does, represents, and deals with every day. His job is the complete opposite of mine, and it's scary. But I've been with him since he started his law enforcement career over seven years ago, and I've seen the changes in him. And it's not all rainbows, sunshine, recognition, or black and white. There's a lot of gray area, and this book helps me understand my cop.
Now this book is definitely more for the law enforcer, but there are a few things specifically for the families. And, I highly recommend this book, but I promise you, you're not going to like most of it. There were times I wanted to scream and throw the book across the room. But this book also made me realize that my husband isn't like most of the stereo-typical cops. It's because God is the center of his life; he gives Him his problems. He puts his faith in His word. My husband is difficult, stubborn, at-times-negative, beautiful, and a Christ-follower. And that makes all the difference.
Have you read any good books lately? Share your good reads below!
With Love and God Bless,
I followed the link from your goodreads book club to get here. My book club recently finished A House in the Sky. It is not light reading, but was very powerful. Love your blog!
ReplyDeleteAwesome, and welcome! Thank you for the suggestion; I'll be sure to mention it to my group and feel free to suggest any more great reads. Enjoy :)