
Monday, February 10, 2014

Oatmeal Monday!

Apparently, every second Monday in February is National Oatmeal Monday.

Like I need a reason to start my morning with a hot bowl of oats.

Which is how I start most mornings, even in the ridiculous heat of summer. My bowl this morning consisted of rolled oats cooked in water, with a few splashes of unsweetened almond milk, a handful of fresh blackberries, and a heaping spoonful of this tasty Skinny Peanut Butter Cookie Granola (Katie hit the jackpot with this recipe). My brother requested I make up a batch and send it to him in South Carolina. It's my favorite, too, so I hoarded a couple scoops of my own. Shhhhh....

But since we're celebrating oatmeal, checkout a few of my favorite ways to eat my morning oats.
Berries, Flax, and Protein Oatmeal
Cookie Dough Oats
Muesli Oatmeal with Strawberries

And try out this new fantastic oatmeal recipe I kind have been obsessing over lately. I call it my yoga oatmeal.

Yoga Oatmeal
*recipe {roughly} from Yogalosophy

Makes 1 giant bowl of oats!

1/3 c steel-cut oats, cooked in water
dash of pumpkin pie spice
1 Tbsp ground flax seed (my own ingredient contribution)
1/4 c fresh (or thawed) mixed berries
1 Granny Smith apple, chopped
sprinkle of chopped walnuts
splash of unsweetened almond milk

Pile all ingredients into a bowl and dig in! It's tasty warm or cold :)

With Love and God Bless,

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